We were thrilled to win the Best Customer Service category at the recent 2015 Richmond Business Awards held in November 2016. Customer service is the bedrock upon which our business is based and the whole team were overjoyed and extremely grateful to have their success recognised.
We have proudly placed our awards within our reception area for our patients to see. This has been great as we receive vocally more positive feedback and recognition for this. Through this and word of mouth, benefited our business.
The decision to enter the awards proved very useful, as we decided to review all aspects of our business as part of the entry process. The outcome of that process was that, firstly, it enabled us to clearly define, and detail, what we do well and secondly, also required us to identify areas which we considered still need improvement to match our strengths elsewhere. Finally, it provided an opportunity to consider, and then introduce, changes in the way we work to provide positive benefits to our customers ,and also, where possible, to our team.
All of us work very hard to achieve, and maintain, outstanding customer service and having an external independent body appraise our protocols, values and work ethic and deem them to be the Best in our category was a great stamp of approval!
Our customers were equally delighted for us to receive this award, and continue to enjoy the assistance and support we offer. This public recognition in 2015/2016 now will act as an incentive, to the whole team, to push us on to continue to achieve this excellence against this bench mark.
Finally we always aim to offer the services that our customers want and we will strive to maintain our high levels of customer support across all our current and future activities. Event’s coming up for us will be at ‘The bear cat 10k run’, we will be hosting a ‘pop up’ Maris Practice with onsite osteopaths and sports therapists giving massages to treat participants. This is an example of one of the great ‘giving back’ community event’s we have coming up. We are really looking forward to what else this year has in store for us!