Richmond Business Awards 2020

Richmond Summer Ball


SponsorCategoryWinnerHighly CommendedCommended
Twickenham Film StudiosPeople's ChoiceStudio KJust Imagine DanceTrue Medispa
Minesoft Best Female EntrepreneurCiara MullinsJessica WilliamsSamantha Trinder & Sarah Kleio
The LensburyBest Charity or Non profitRHACC - Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community CollegeOtakar Kraus Music TrustSky Larks
Be RichmondBest Achievement in Corporate Social ResponsibilityMorrisons SolicitorsMenzies & Royal Mid Surrey Golf ClubSuper Structures Associates
Richmond upon Thames CollegeBest Start-UpStirling Shaw Wine at HeartMothers and Careers & Sushi Point
Richmond & Twickenham TimesBest Digital MarketingMinesoft PageTigerStudio K
Richmond Chamber of CommerceBest Professional PracticeCity Lofts | Architecture 100CuraCare & Super Structures Associates Butterworth Laboratories & HSA Dermal Clinic
Butterworth LaboratoriesBest Business for Environmental Sustainability Rugby Football UnionPetersham Nurseries Royal Mid Surrey Golf Club & City Lofts I Architecture 100
Richmond Chamber of CommerceBest Training and DevelopmentRichmond CollegeButterworth LaboratoriesSuper Structures Associates
Richmond CouncilBest Small BusinessBurbeck InteriorsPageTigerSuper Structures Associates & City Lofts | Architecture 100
Sheraton Interiors Best in High StreetSporting FeetTrue Medispa & HSA Dermal ClinicLe Salon Prive
Richmond Chamber of CommerceBest Customer ServiceMinesoftThe Maris PracticeSporting Feet
Richmond Chamber of CommerceBest Business for InnovationBathroomsByDesignSuper Structures AssociatesTENNER
London SquareBest BusinessPetersham NurseriesMorrisons Solicitors Butterworth Laboratories

Celebrating Richmond Business

Richmond Chamber of Commerce’s Awards build a stronger economy and whilst during this year’s pandemic Richmond business’ sales, profits and employment have been broadly resilient, businesses strive always to achieve more.

Together with our Headline London Square, Newsquest/Richmond and Twickenham Times and all our special sponsors, we invite all businesses commercially active in Richmond Borough to share their achievements by entering several categories, sponsoring, voting and some to become Award winning.

Whilst the quality of entries is high, businesses improve by entering and if not a winner in 2020, with independent judging feedback the following year they are often in the top 3! Charities too have their own Award to showcase their innovations and successes in responding to C-19 and we invite all to participate and benefit from the winning PR and exposure across London and the region.

PR sponsorship and press advertising packages are available and sponsors can enter categories other than the one they sponsor, as the panel of professional expert judges is independent. Winners, entrants and colleagues celebrate at the Ball with relaxed networking, dining, dancing and of course winners receive their Award to much fanfare and with extensive coverage in the Awards Supplement published by The Richmond and Twickenham Times Newsquest and across all media reaching more than 40m views annually.


Access extensive PR and advertising with more than 40m views in press and on all our digital platforms across London and SW region, present the Award with MPs, TV presenter and a table for 10 at the Awards Ball on 24th September 2021.


Enter up to 14 categories from the selection tab at the top of this page and share your business’ achievements by clearly answering the questions with evidence from your accounts (handled confidentially), colleagues, clients and stakeholders, so we can all celebrate with you and your team can enjoy the recognition they are due! Judging is by an independent panel of business professionals who maintain the confidence of corporates, SMEs and micros who enter these Awards and the closing date for entries is 25th May 2021.


Your chance to pick your favourite businesses and organisations trading in the region and businesses, mobilise your fan bases to vote by 4th June 2021!

We have even created marketing images you can edit, save and post on your website, emails and social media to promote your business or organisation. Scroll down to get the marketing images.


Join Richmond Chamber of Commerce for subsidised Awards entry fee, summer ball tables and tickets and to advertise, promote/CSR, support, mentor, represent and connect your business in London and Richmond region to more than 40m views annually.

Promote your business or organisation using People’s Vote images

Add your preferred name using the links, save and use to promote your favourites in social media and any other digital or print modes.

Instagram, Facebook & Twitter Image

Please see above links for 2 images, one for Instagram and the other for LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, so that your digital teams can insert your business or organisation’s name and then use this on your website and social media feeds to invite votes for your business or organisation for the Richmond Business Awards. Please pass these instructions onto your teams and assure them that if they have Powerpoint it is very easy to insert the name and save the image as a JPG or other image:-

Instructions for Powerpoint on a PC

1 Open file with Powerpoint and check ‘Enable Edit’. If you can’t see this, just click in the ’Your Business Name’ box.
2 Delete ‘Your Business Name’ and type in your own text.
3 Save as type > then choose JPEG or PNG from the dropdown menu.

Instructions for Keynote on a Mac

1 Open file with Keynote. Click in the ’Your Business Name’ box.
2 Delete ‘Your Business Name’ and type in your own text.
3 File > Export to Images > then choose JPEG or PNG from the dropdown menu.