The Lensbury is about helping people to do good things – whether it is a child learning to swim, giving people their first experience of sailing, achieving physical fitness goals, having productivemeetings that help achieve a business goal, celebrating family milestones, we try to make our Club and our conference centre the very best it can be.
We are aware that each action we take has a ripple effect for good or for bad – our Values are integrity, enrichment, well being and evolution and we apply those values to all decisions we make in order to maximize our positive impact on our community.
We are over the moon to win Best Achievement in Social Responsibility for 2014. The Lensbury has been “practicing” corporate social responsibility for 95 years in the Teddington community and it runs to the heart of all we do.
We think about helping the people around us in all of our decisions – our gifts to charity, the wide work experience programme we run, support for sportspeople – able and disabled, access to our facilities (whether for sport or for meetings or accommodation), our environmental programme, prioritizing use of local suppliers, recycling office furniture to charities who need it, supporting our 237 staff members with development or their own fundraising activities – you name it and we try to do it!
Thank you Richmond Business Award judges for recognizing all that we do – we would do it anyway, but our staff are so pleased to be recognized for their super work!