Benefits of Membership

Why Join?

Benefits Of Membership of The Richmond Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber represents business – so your interests – at the heart of Government, community and media.  Please click on the links below to view the “Talking Business Pages” from The Richmond & Twickenham Times

2015 / 2016

Talking Business 4 March 2016
Talking Business 19 February 2016
2015 Richmond Business Award Winners Supplement

Click here to read previous Talking Business Pages

  • Doing business locally – Our team will connect you with our members so you can do business locally
  • Free Mentoring will help you raise your top and bottom lines and generally improve your business’ performance
  • As a member you can advertise to a target audience of nearly 5000 local businesses through our website and newsletters and also sponsor events
  • Member to Member Benefits – receive discounts and exclusive offers from other Chamber members. See Member benefits page
  • Members receive the Chamber’s MEMBERS FORUM NEWSLETTER with exciting and useful news
  • Members mix on line in private LinkedIn Chamber Groups
  • Forums from legal to SME are offering members heavily subsidised and in some cases FREE advice- see our Member to Member Benefits area on our website – for example 30 minutes free legal advice
  • Individual business people – so retired or between jobs are welcome to join and increase their local profile.
  • Events are varied and attended by MPs, Council/Cllrs and leading UK business and charity leaders. Events take place at various times of day and are social and thought-provoking too
  • Members are involved in Chamber teams/forums that are seriously making a difference
  • Members’ priority access to Richmond and Twickenham Times’ Talking Business Pages for editorial and members’ special rates for advertising

The Borough of Richmond Chamber of Commerce is open to new members and is here to serve. Please do come along to our events and let us know what you would like your local chamber to be doing. We hold all kinds of gatherings which means that there is something that will suit everyone. Also please tell any students and other young people who are seeking business experience to call the Chamber, as we have an intern team which we are happy to expand. The benefits to such interns are enormous; students can not only learn business skills but progress to a career within the Borough or via the Borough. It is a fantastic opportunity, and allows them to take part  in challenging tasks which are sure to develop their skills. Richmond Chamber of Commerce is a well established and vibrant network of organisations committed to enhancing business within the Borough of Richmond upon Thames. The Chamber is here to support, develop and connect all types and sizes of business. Our members range from one person start-ups seeking guidance to national companies making local links as part of their corporate social responsibility. Independent since it began over 100 years ago, the Chamber has grown and has a good relationship with the Council and its members. The Chamber is run by a group of members elected annually, who are charged with the responsibility of helping local business prosper and grow.


“Being a member of Richmond Chamber of Commerce is very useful – and we saved more than the annual cost of our membership this year by taking advantage of one of the member offers, saving +25% off Sage accountancy software” Stephen Hurton – Founder & MD of Proper Oils

“Membership of the RCC has helped The Poppy Factory to build on its historical local roots to thrive in the Richmond community.”
– Helena Smith, Fundraising Administrator at The Poppy Factory